Monday, May 02, 2005

"Finding my Wings..."

Well, today was a pretty good day...I think that things are starting to look brighter for me...

The woman from this one staffing agency called me back today and she has a few prospects for me. Too bad one fell through the cracks...But she gets new stuff all of the time, so there's always tomorrow. I also went over to BCBG and dropped off my application w/Laura who I used to work with at Marshall Field's. I also had lunch w/Heather, who I ran into a few times on the bus. It was very nice to talk with her and get some job advice from, and get to know her alittle bit better. I do enjoy that. She's very nice, and smart and its nice to talk to a young successful memeber of the workworld. I know its alittle lame, but I look up to people like that. I do hope that she doesn't find me annoying because I make the effort to talk to her sometimes. I never want to be considered as someone who tries to be best friends w/everyone she meets, but if I like you, then I'll talk to you, and take the time to get to know you.

So, onto the next topic. I bought that book today "He's just not that into you." I'm hoping that it will change my entire outlook on the world of dating and help me understand the male population better and why they do the things that they do, like not call for 5 days, or say that they want to do something but they don't call you to make plans. UGH.

Well, I'm going to read some more of my new book, plus the caffine from my caramel macchiatto has worn off, thank goodness. So, until next time!


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