Good Old Salve

A friend of mine from college convinced me to create a profile on MySpace. I hardly ever went onto to it, but in the last few days I've found quite a few people that I graduated with. It was interesting to see where every is now, and what they are doing. A few people moved, some far from home, and others just in another part of New England. Most of them have jobs, and some are getting their masters right now.
But if there's one thing that hasn't changed with these people its that they still loove to party! For some of the guys it seems to be part of their life-long agenda, others its just a weekend thing. I myself enjoy a good time but I don't need to party hard every single weekend. I hate waking up hungover and to me going out to a bar isn't about getting totally smashed, its about spending time with friends and having a good time.
I will admit though that I have woken up with my fair share of hangovers, but I've learned to control how much I drink and what I drink. I also will at one point in the night switch to water to rehydrate myself.
Seeing these familliar faces made me laugh too because I thought about all of memories. I had some really great times up there. Newport is a beautiful place, and one that I hope to return to sometime this year. Its been way too long since I've been back up there!
Just in case anyone was wondering, the bird icon is our athletic symbol. For the Salve Seahawks.
Maybe this means I should root for Seattle during the Superbowl....
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