My Serious Public Service Announcement
Despite the fact that I feel completely miserable right now, I'm still finding the energy to post on this today. I go from just having the worst stomach ache in the world, to catching this cold as well. Yay. It doesn't get any better than that.
Okay anyway, that aside. I know that I wrote about this before, and was surprised that no one said anything about it, instead I just get comments about my 2 favorite reality TV shows. But thats okay, that is what this thing is all about, saying whatever you want. However, saying whatever you want can have its consequences, and be careful of what you say about someone else b/c it will come back and bite you in the butt.
So yeah, the public service announcement. To anyone who feels that they have the right to comment about me and the way that I treat people in relationships when they don't know me very well, and wasn't around me and their friend that I was dating at the time all of the time needs to listen up. First off, maybe you need to re-read what I posted last week. Secondly, I'm not a horrible person, I am human for crying out loud and I have made some mistakes in my life. Don't sit here and tell me what I did wrong when I already know, and I've LEARNED from it, and that YOU yourself has NEVER made a mistake in relationship, such as not treating the person better. I do have a heart, and I have actually shed some tears over relationships.
I understand and I know all about sticking by your friends, I've always stuck by mine during times like that. I actually ran into a girl over the weekend who used to date my good friend, and although I stood by my friend and stayed loyal to him, I did actually understand where this girl was coming from. So fine, stay loyal to your friend. Say that I'm not right for them, and how they deserves to be w/someone who will treat them better. I guess that means that I should end up alone right? B/c I'm supposedly so evil.
Well, take under consideration that I tired to get to know you better, and was always polite and very nice to you. Maybe I even wrote you a thank you note. Also, remember that NO ONE in this entire solar system is perfect, and things happen in relationships that cause people to say things that they don't even mean to their friends, or not treat someone as well as they should. Well, maybe I didn't always like the way that you treated my significant other sometimes? Maybe you did something that I thought was something a good friend shouldn't do.
I'm so mad about all of this. And I know that people are going to tell me that I shouldn't care about what people who don't really know me say or what they think, but I care when its about me, and when its talked about to my ex-significant other, or mentioned on the internet. I do have FEELINGS people.
So, just in case anyone's wondering, I'm pissed off and I'm sick. And I feel like I'm NEVER going to hear the end of how much I apprently suck.
First of all, Caroline, I don't know the hell these people think they are, giving you shit,for no reason. Ok I to understand the need to stick up for ones friend(hence what I as I am doing right now) but honestly. If your not in the relationship with the person your talking about then you have no right to put your two cents in where they are concerned. Secondly, if you want to talk shit, know that there are other people out the can talk shit as well, people who are friends with the people you are talking about,who probably have as much information as you do on the relationship,but they choose not to speak because thats the MATURE GROWN UP thing to do. Talking about someone else is just a petty, immature thing to do, so GROW UP, get over shit thats none of your business in the first place, and shut ya mouth....ya feel me? aight!
I GOT YOUR BACK CAROLINE......So does Pete and of course so does jessica....... forget about those losers...& know your real friends still got your back.....luv ya - J
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Caroline! Hi!
Feel better soon. And people start misbehaving, I'll just run them over...with MY car. :-D Jeeps are good for that...
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