I've decided that at the end of every week, I will have a final thought, or thoughts. I sound like Jerry Springer! Hehe.
I have come to the conclusion that for the past 2 months, I've learned something new every week. Something small, and something big.
I've learned that I really have to start living my own life, not the life my parents want me to live, or anyone else for that matter. That when a relationship ends w/someone that you cared about it hurts, and that no matter where I live, I will face the same challenges that I've faced here. Unless I moved to Hawaii...Then I'd work at a tiki bar and not have a care in the world b/c I'm in paradise.
I feel bad that I've been negative, and displayed so much of my life on this thing. I don't want anyone to think that I'm bitter, that I constantly feel sorry for myself, and that I want pity. My life could be a lot worse! Which brings me to my point...
I recently read this article in the paper about homesless young people in Chicago, between the ages of 14-21. They interviewed with this 21 yr-old guy who is gay, and has been homeless since January. He goes to one shelter to shower and get a meal, but apparently the shelters in the city only have 212 beds, and there are like more than 1,000 young people who are homeless here. He talked about how he's tried really hard to get a job, but he needs a valid state ID/driver's lisence, and he got his wallet stolen one night when he was sleeping. He's tried going to college, and hopes to get his degree one day. Along with becoming a fashion designer.
After I read this, I thought about how much I complain about not having a lot of money right now, a job, and how much I don't like living w/my parents. But then I thought well, I could be homeless. Alone and scared, and have no one to turn to. Or any shelter. I've been REALLY REALLY lucky that the only problems that I've had are finding a new job, and deciding what to shirt to wear when I go out.
Things WILL get better for me...And hopefully they will for that guy in the article in the paper.
So, my final thought is this: Not everything in life works out the way that you want it to. Relationships come to an end, jobs come and go until you find your niche in a career, and sometimes you might find yourself with not as much money as you'd like to have. But never worry, b/c everyone gets their "ray of hope" or they finally see the "end of the rainbow." I know that mine will come soon....
your will come soon...
You are a very wise girl! Such optimism! I need to have some of your good attitude! :)
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