Thursday, May 26, 2005

Random thoughts.

I'm not sure what that title has to do w/what I want to post today, but whatever I just felt like using it. I decided to delete my posting from yesterday b/c it was too depressing, and the last thing that I want to do is make people feel that way!!

Anyway, so yeah "American Idol..." I can't believe that Bo didn't win!!! I mean Carrie is a great singer too, and people who love country will buy her albums. But I still think that Bo is a better performer. But they will both come out w/albums and they will sell a lot, so it all works out in the end. I mean look at Clay Aiken and Rueben Studdard. Hehe.

Now that both of my reality TV shows are over I have no idea what I'll watch on TV. That sounds alittle pathetic...I think that I will convert to just reading some good books.

Alright, so yesterday when I went to my meeting at staffing firm, the receptionist was a guy, and I thought that was alittle interesting. Thats definitley not something that I've ever seen before. He was very nice, introduced himself and offered me some coffee. Then he warned me that it was very hot when he handed me a cup.

Its kind of like those people who walk on Michigan Avenue on Saturdays and stand and look at the"street performers." Obviously there isn't that kind of excitement in the suburbs. It makes me think sometimes that the people who find that interesting are the same ones who walk REALLY slow and ask the bus driver a billion questions when they ride the bus. I guess its one of the many things to deal with when you live in a big city.

There's this one guy who is not only dressed in ALL SILVER, but is also PAINTED in all silver. I find it creepy. I've actually now seen another guy like that but this one has a sign that says "Copper Boy." And yes, he is dressed in all copper, and painted in all copper. Again, very creepy. But all of the tourists seem to be mesmorized by it and crowd all around him. Some people must live very boring lives to find that exciting. Oh and then theres this girl who dresses up in what I think looks like a fairy, stands on this bucket thing, and just stands still. Doesn't even move her face. Some of them even get money from people.

Anyway, this all just amazes me...The tourists irritate me sometimes though. But then I tell myself that they're just enjoying a day in the city, and you know what, good for them. Its nice to be happy. Which makes me want to close by saying this...

Life is about being happy, and doing what makes you happy. I know that I've based a lot of my happiness on my friends or my parents opinions, and thats wrong. Its my life, not theirs. From now on I am going to do what makes me happy regardless of what other people say. And if my friends and family really love me, then they'll support me no matter what.

So everyone, like the suburbanites, Carrie and Bo, and the silver and copper man, live your life to the fullest and always follow your heart. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's rahhr:) Jess


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