Alright, today I feel alittle bit better, but the drilling in the apartment above me continues. How convienient that its also right above my bedroom. I originally thought it was my stomach, but I was wrong. Hehe just kidding.
Okay, I just thought that I'd apologize for yesterday, and for not bitching/venting so much on this blog. It is wrong for me to use this thing as way to do that by letting everyone know how pissed off I am, and have your comments be a way to make me feel better. It makes me feel like I'm breaking my promise of trying hard to be a better person every day.
I just want everyone to know that I don't think that my life sucks, or that I do for that matter. These past months haven't always been that easy for me. I've cried A LOT of tears, and gotten angry about things that haven't worked out. I even had to read a damn book to help me learn from mistakes that I've made in past relationships instead of figuring them out for myself. I mean that is part of growing up for crying out loud!
From this point on I will try even harder to not care about what other people think about me, or what they say. The only opinions that should really matter are my parents, and my 2 sisters. My life is my life to live, not to ever feel restricted, or worry so much. Thats the other thing. I worry way too much. My Mom worries a lot, I think thats the one thing that I've inherited from her. I mean I'm 24 years old and I've had pretty nice life, and just b/c some things in my life haven't gone the way that I planned, or they haven't worked out doesn't mean that I should be bitter or have a negative attitude.
I also know that there are a lot of people who really do care about me. I just have to start caring more about them, and also about myself. Maybe then I will have better relationships. So right now thats my mission. In addition to finding a new job, and a new apartment w/Lauren. Everything else can just wait.
So, everyone, I'm sorry.
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