Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I found this a bit upsetting...

Last night, on my last night of peace and quiet before my parents come back tonight, I was flipping through the channels and decided to settle on watching a movie on the Lifetime channel.

Sad, I know. But the movies on Lifetime get you totally sucked into whats going on, sorry but they can be good!!! One of my roomates senior year in college used to watch them all of the time, so I guess thats where it all started with me.

Anyway, the one that they had on last night was about this girl in HS, I'd say freshman or sophmore...I only watched the last hour, but it was enough to catch on. She had a childhood friend that she met through her mother who introduced her to these other 2 girls. They all start out as friends, and something happens to cause some drama, of course it involves a boy, and the girl getting a bad haircut and her so-called new friends basicially make her life a living hell.

They send her nasty IM's and then they call her about a birthday party, and when her mom drops her off at the party there's no one there. I mean how awful is that?!!! And that night the poor girl overdoses on sleeping pills and goes to the hospital. And some guy who lives in the neighborhood decides to VIDEOTAPE the girl getting put into an ambulance on a stretcher and show it to the whole school via the internet. How messed up is that??!!!!

I was seriously starting to get upset for this girl. I thought that it was terrible what these girls were doing to her just because they just decided that she wasn't as cool as them. I could not believe what they were doing to her!!!

I went to an all-girls catholic high school and there was drama at times, but never anything like this. It made me think of the girls that were my friends freshman year and then sophmore year they like wouldn't speak to me anymore. Or the girls that I was always nice to but would never be my friend for whatever reasons' that they had. I guess I wasn't as cool as them.

I did however find a good group of friends and forgot all about those stupid bitchy girls! Hehe.

I then thought that what if I have a daughter and she goes through the same thing?? I wouldn't know what to do. I got picked on believe it or not in elementary school. In 3rd grade these 2 girls who I thought were my friends pulled me aside to "talk to me" and they showed me a peice of paper that said "We hate you " on it. I never EVER forgot that. Then there was this boy in 4th and 5th grade who pretended to like me. I was so devastated!!

I just cannot believe how mean some teenagers are. Or kids for that matter. I was happy when the girl in the movie finally stood up to this girl and made some other friends who were a hell of alot nicer that those other girls.

I know that I don't always say the nicest things about people, and I really don't mean it. I am just kidding around. But I would NEVER EVER do the things that the girls in that movie did. or what those people did to me when I was younger.

I just hope that some people out there know that making fun, bullying, or verbally abusing someone doesn't make you a better person. And if thats what you have to do to make yourself feel better about yourself, than I feel sorry for you.

Because no matter what, words can still hurt....


Blogger j said...

hi--just followed a comment you made on Berkeley Georgia's to here--I like your blog.

I've taught pretty much every grade from 4 to 12 and I'd say grade 6 girls can be the meanest. It's not that boys can't be, but I don't know that they hold onto it so long.


Blogger Berkeley G. said...

Lifetime movies, I know what you mean. I have had a few friends who have gotten me addicted to them over the years, and once you watch even 5 minutes of one, you can't turn the channel.

That kind of thing makes me sad to watch, also. I almost want to cry for them when other people are so mean. Did you ever read "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul"? Anyway, in one of the Chicken Soup's there's a quote that says "Sticks and stones only break bones. Words can shatter the soul." I've always remembered that and thought it to be very true.

Blogger Diamond Girl said...

Lifetime...Television for women! I remember crying real hard to a movie (I think was on only once) and getting teased by my boy friend at the time years ago.


Blogger SkyBluePink said...

:) As long as some random guy isn't walking down the hallway to the sounds of us making barnyard animal noises, no one will think of you as a freak. hehe.

Blogger N.F. said...

My mother ALWAYS watches Lifetime movies!


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