Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Venting. Because its that week of the month.

I think that the title just says it all. Sorry boys. Not that many boys frequently read my blog anyway.

So, I have a few things to vent about.

I bought the wrong shade of color-stay foundation. Thats annoying. But whatever I also have a million other things of foundation. I think that I should start a collection.

People who walk really slow on Michigan Avenue annoy me.

Even though I do like Jason very much, and I know he's kidding, but hanging up on me every time I call Jessica at work has worked its way to my last nerve.

Thats about it.

On a brighter note, some guy had the "Tequilla" song as their horn. And no, I am not joking. I thought that was funny...And I had a good interview at Banana Republic today.


Blogger Berkeley G. said...

Banana Republic...that sounds fun! Good luck...


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