Monday, October 24, 2005

Ponderings of this Weekend.

This weekend I pondered some things. Some of which are totally trivial, and some that are somewhat important. They also include some sort of a plan. Because in life, you must always have a plan!

First one being that I need to learn how to cook. The only things that I can cook that don't come out of a box are pasta, grilled cheese, eggs, and vegatables. I can also make tuna fish. I also told Steven that I've never brewed a cup of coffee. How bad is that?!!! He is a good cook and he does make a good cup of coffee. I will however defend myself by saying that I can at least clean.
My mom is an incredible cook, and my sister Christina is very good as well. I've decided that its time for me to either follow a recipe from a cookbook or take a cooking class. Lets hope that the putting out of fires is minimal!! Just kidding.

The second thing being is that I need to stop feeling like a looser sometimes because of my job situation. I just feel embarressed in front of other people sometimes. Its so awkward to be at like a party and someone asks you what you do for a living and you have to tell them that your looking for a job. Again. It makes you feel like the size of a crumb on the floor. I'm tired of my plans for the future getting delayed because of yet another road block. Maybe I just need to have more faith.

The third thing is I would like to expand my circle of networks professionally and socially. I thought that volunteering might be a good way to do this. I applied at a few of the museums here so that I could meet some new people, and also put my art history degree to use, hehe.

So thats that. I am actually starting to make some plans for myself. They will get bigger and better as I get older and my life gets more exciting. Until then, this is it for the meantime.


Blogger SkyBluePink said...

Ooooh, you should learn how to make your mom's pesto!!! Mmm...


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