Sun Valley
I meant to post earlier, b/c I got back on Sunday night, but my parents had some friends visiting them, and I spent the last 2 days with Jessica. Thank you to her for providing with some fun and a place to sleep!!
So, Sun Valley was SO much fun. The town, Ketchum, is very pretty and there are lots of little shops. Sun Valley is beautiful, very peaceful too. We had a rental car which was great too because Steven and I drove around for a while on Saturday before we got ready to go to the wedding.
Oh yeah. that is the whole reason why we went to Sun Valley. Because his friend's brother was getting married. But they are all friends.
The wedding was at this "site" called Trail Creek something. They had the ceremony outside with white chairs set up, and a little trelace for the bride and groom to stand at. The reception was in a big white tent with white lights, and ivy vines around the pillars. The flowers were orange, white, and yellow. It was the nicest wedding that I have ever been to. The band and the food were great too.
Sunday was pretty rough b/c we were on the road by 7 am so that we could drive back to the rental car place and the airport in Boise. Boise is about 2 1/2 hours from Sun Valley. It was a beautiful drive on Friday on the way there, but I have to say that Sunday we were SO exhausted and hungover it basically sucked. It felt like we were in the car for hours too.
We also got lost trying to find the car rental place, and Steven and I felt like crap. The only thing that went right for us is that we made it onto our flights (we had to fly from Boise to Minneapolis, and then Minneapolis to Chicago) and our luggage got to Chicago. Other than that we waited forever in this restaurant in Minneapolis for our food, and I fell on my butt outside of O' Hare( the big airport in Chicago that was in "Home Alone") in front of a whole crowd of people while we were trying to get a taxi. We ended up taking the train back into the city, and I went straight home and ate.
But it was a great trip, and Steven and I had a wonderful time together. It was nice having an adventure with him!! Here's to many more! :-)
Because we all know how much I love those!!
Glad you had a fun trip. That wedding does sound really pretty, I've always wanted to get married outside.
Hope everything is going good for you, I haven't had time to catch up on blogs lately. :)
hey caroline...glad to hear you had a good time in idaho at my brother's wedding. too bad we didn't get to "shake it down" at jerry concert! maybe we'll be able to hang more if i can make it out to chicago at some point soon...nice to meet you, sarah (
Glad you had fun!
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