Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Great Big UGH

I'd like to apologize in advance because I'm in a very frustrated mood right now. I hate posting venting sessions, because as I can recall when I started this blog I was told that blogs aren't for venting or displaying your life to the world. Whatever screw that. I'm freakin frustrated right now. Maybe even a little bit mad.

I'm frustrated because trying to find a new job totally totally sucks. I've applied for 5 retail jobs and today when I called to follow up with one of them, the woman told me that they were still interviewing and that she was concerned with the fact that I hadn't stayed in any of the places that I worked for a really long time. That is the number one question that I get from EVERYONE.

So, here are the reasons. First of all, Tiffany's was a seasonal job and at that time they weren't hiring for full-time. Secondly, I loved working at Marshall Fields but I wasn't making any money there, not to mention when I conveyed to the management there on my 90 day review that I was looking to advance in other areas of the company, the response that I got was like I just told them I was an alien. There just wasn't opportunity there. Thirdly, I had 3 other jobs after Fields that I'm not putting on my resume. Bloomingdales, I hated it there so much I'm embarrassed to put it on my resume. The Private Bank, me as a teller? Did anyone really think that one was going to workout? I mean teller jobs have a 40% turnover rate and I'm horrible in math. UBS? Yeah, I really wanna tell people how I got terminated for NO REASON.

So here I am. Again. Trying SOO hard every day not to feel sorry for myself and continuously hitting the pavement. The fact that even trying to get a job in a field that I have experience in is hard for me. Its just not fair. I know so much about clothes, I work very well w/others, I can sell, and I'm a great communicator. I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. Sometimes I feel like my friends and my family just don't get it.

I hate being in this situation so much. It just makes me think of the last time I was. I was completely miserable going on ten million interviews and not getting a job out of it. I worried constantly about what other people thought or what they said about me.

I really wish today was Thursday...


Blogger SkyBluePink said...

I understand, and I'm your friend. Chin up, you'll find something perfect super soon. Call me if you need to vent to someone in person.

Blogger Caroline said...

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