My Apologies....
Okay, I have a few things that I need to apologize for, and some apply to those of you who read this, and some apply to speaking. I'll explain as I go along. Here goes.
First off, I offered some advice to Berkely about her boyfriend/friend issue, and I made a comment that I should'nt have made b/c it upset my friend. I have to say that everything that I ALWAYS say gets back to me one way or the other. So, just in case anyone wonders why I look around before I say something, thats why. I've also decided that I'm going to watch what I say because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I am considering just never ever offering advice or stating my opinion, or comparing an experience to someone else's ever again.
Having a boyfriend and balancing your time between him and your friends can be challenging. I love Steven very much, and I also love my friends. I know that I might not say the right thing, cancel plans, or make you feel second best, but its never ever my intention. I know sometimes I just get scatterbrained, I forget, and I'm terrible at making plans. Never have me plan a party or a get together.
I honestly feel like I'm the only one that this ever happens to and it bothers me so much. I absolutely cannot stand it. When it does I swim in guilt until my fingers get all pruny, and I'm swimming in an ocean of my own guilt.
So, unless its about you debating whether or not to buy a Louis Vuitton bag or whether or not those Uggs that you're trying on look good, I'm keeping my mouth shut. Forever.
I would also just like to say that I have the worst sore throat I think that I've ever had in my entire life. So speaking, in additon to swallowing, coughing, and laughing are very painful for me right now.
Oh and from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry...
Wow, sounds like something bad happened! :( I'm sorry and keep your head up. :)
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