Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween.
I have to say that I am impressed with some of the costumes that I saw over the weekend here. Some people are really creative. It makes me wish that I had spent more time thinking about what to be. When I was younger I did, but once I got out of college the ideas kinda just stopped coming. I went back to the costume store on Friday and they didn't have my police officer costume, and the only Tinkerbell costume that they had left was too big.
So, I settled on this really cute angel costume. It was either that or be Wilma Flinstone so Steven could be Fred. He went as a devil to this party on Saturday night, so we had our little theme going on.
I think about the many Halloweens' that I had growing up, all of which were fun but pretty much the same. Going out trick-or-treating and having candy for months. I like dressing up its fun to sometimes regress back to the days when my life was so much easier and carefree. When eating candy was out of pure enjoyment. Ahh, those were the days.
Well, Happy Halloween everyone. Be careful, and don't eat any candy that looks suspicious! :-)
That's so funny because I was an angel, too and NewBoy was going to be a devil, but we couldn't find him a costume. So he was Elvis.
Anyway, I saw some pretty creative costumes here, too. The funniest by far (which I've heard some people say is overdone, but I've never seen it) was one of my guy friends who had a lampshade on his head, a table around him (don't ask) which on it sat a glass of water and an alarm clock. He was a One Night Stand.
Happy Halloween to you too!
Happy Halloween...Well, ok, Happy day after Halloween! :D
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