Thursday, November 17, 2005

The War of the Sink at 3203

I wasn't going to post about this, but it is totally blogworthy! For anyone who has a garbage disposal, you will appreciate this one, but if you don't, you'll find humor in it because its happening to me.

So, my parents arrived safely around 12:30 AM Wednesday morning. Yesterday, when I was chatting with my Dad I told him that the garbage disposal had been acting funny the last couple days, meaning I would run it, and then it would just make a gurgling sound and water would come back up again. Lovely.

So, no big deal he tries to fix it while I'm out at an interview. I come home and I find him mopping up water, not just from the sink, but from the toilet in the powder room!! The smell was just awful, I wanted to gag.

Then the maintence people and the building engineer come up to asses the problem. They get rid of all the water with a huge handy-vac, and then they brought in a plumber who managed to figure out that the plumbing for the sink and toilet on the other side of the wall in the bathroom were somehow connected. He also said that the pipes in our "stack" of the building didn't go up and down but across. Which means that our neighbors were at risk of getting flooded.

So, we couldn't use the kitchen because it was a total warzone, and I was starving and it was getting late. Going out to dinner was out of the question because we had to stay there while the plumber, building engineer, and maintence guy were working.

My Dad and I finally decided to suck it up and go out into the 22 degree windy weather and get some McDonald's. Thank goodness its just down the street!!

We ate McDonald's in my room and watched tv because oh yeah, the tv in the living room wasn't working!! Not to mention the fact that we were trying to stay out of the way.

So that is my blogworthy story. If anyone would like their bagel toasted, the toaster is in my parent's bathroom.

P.S. This is yet another reason why I need to move out again!!


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