Happy Valentine's Day

Even though I do think that today is just another "Hallmark Holiday" I will admit that I've always liked Valentine's Day. Whether I've had someone special in my life or not. I like it because its the one day out of the year where its okay for me to act really corny and eat lots of chocolate and not feel bad about it. Anyway, I was going to tell you all about how Steven and I met and ended up together because its a good story, but I don't want to make any single people out there feel crappy. Sorry if that sounds bad, but hey, I'm just being honest and considerate of people's feelings. Okay, enough of this corny business, there are cupcakes in the fridge that need to be eaten...
that is a very pretty pic! :)
My mom told me yesterday on the phone that my stepfather knows better than to get her chocolates for Valentine's Day b/c she tells him not to, so she won't eat them. I told her I thought that was a tragedy, because Valentine's Day is the one day you can eat chocolate and not feel guilty!
Remember when your dad sent you Godiva to SJC? I do. Yum.
And I want to hear the story of how you and Steven met. Please?
Jen:Yes!! I think that Meghan got candy too and just ate it all night hehe. Valentine's Day was fun at SJC!
And I will tell the story about how me and Steven met! :-)
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