Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday Five, Courtesy of Heather

1. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

This is a tough one because I probably have more pet peeves than anyone else you know. I would have to say people who have no consideration for others, people who don't dress professionally to work, and people who are condescending.

2. What fashion faux-pas do you see frequently that makes you want to sign the victims/perpetrators up for “What Not To Wear”?

I'm a big fashionista, but this leggings trend has got to go. I also don't get the humongous sunglasses thing.

3. What hideously inappropriate act or comment have you recently witnessed?

This woman on the bus clipping her fingernails. So gross.

4. What’s more important - table manners or driving etiquette? (Not driving safety, just etiquette - like waving when someone lets you merge in front of them or not honking at 5:00 AM when driving through a neighborhood.)

I think that you should be safe and considerate when you are driving, but table manners are way more important to me. Please don't slurp, chew with your mouth open, or lick your fingers. THAT drives me nuts. Might have to go under pet peeves too.

5. If you were producing a PSA for a local TV station, what would the topic be and which celebrity would fulfill their community service sentence by starring in it?

Paris Hilton doing one for drunk driving. I don't know why I just thought of that, but it would be be both interesting and funny.


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