Wednesday, June 08, 2005

This is so ridiculous, and a ray of hope! :-)

Wow, what a title I just came up with. It makes no sense right now. But it will when I'm finished. I hope...

So, yeah I picked an issue of People Magazine yesterday, b/c I like to read it along w/Cosmo. I should really just subscribe to both of them. I read them enough! Anyway, they had an article about the runaway bride in Georgia. This is story completely boggles my mind. Or maybe its the fact that her fiance still wants to marry her. Apparently, she has already been arrested for shoplifting a few times, she faces up to 6 years in prison for her false kidnapping report. Plus she lost her job, and has checked into a mental health facility. And her fiance still wants to marry her!! I guess he thinks w/his heart more than anything else...Or she's just really good in bed...

Okay, onto the "ray of hope." Two things...I have a phone interview tomorrow, and I spoke with this woman yesterday who works for a direct sales clothing co, who needs someone in Chicago, and I just checked my credit card balance and its under a $1000 dollars! That makes me very happy!

I might have third job opportunity through my parent's friend, but I called the guy on Monday and he hasn't called me back. I called him again today and hes out sick. Go figure. At least this time when I left a message I had a better voice..Its not back completely, but its better than it was on Monday.

So there you have it. Something ridiculous, and a little ray of hope. :-)


Blogger N.F. said...

Not ridiculous at all! Good luck on the jobs! So, you work normally 2-3 jobs at a time too? :)


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