Why does my life have to be SO complicated sometimes..
Last night I went to sleep after reading most of my July issue of Cosmo, but still with a lot on my mind.
First of all, I went on an interview yesterday to work as a receptionist in this building's sale's center. It's a residental apt. building converting over to condos. That is very popular here in Chicago. I actually never even heard the word condo until I moved out here. And I'm from freaking NY! Hehe. The woman who interviewed me was really nice, but couldn't give me the key information that I would need in order to make a decision, exactly how many hours would I work, and the pay. She said that I'd have to work on the weekends, which I'm not totally thrilled about b/c I've worked in retail and working on the weekends was no picnic. I'd only work until 5, but still, there goes a day at the beach! Hehe. I really need to speak with the HR woman from the marketing firm who apparently I'd be working for and be on their payroll.
I just want a new job so that after a month I can move into a new place w/Lauren. And last night I was annoyed b/c my Mom said no. No b/c I don't have a job and I need to be in one for a month before I can move out. Then she said she was ready to ship me back to NY. :-( Oh yeah, theres a GREAT idea. I'll get a job at Cantor working for Laura's old boss making 40K and I'l have to live w/Christina forever b/c NY is so damn expensive. The cost of living is like double what it is here.
I really don't want to get shipped back to NY. I told my Mom that I want to stay here and live here and have a life for myself out here. It will happen for me.
I also gave a dollar to some people protesting Wal-Mart. I used to shop there all the time up at school until I saw on the news one day how bad they treat their employee's and put small business owners out of business. Target is better!! Plus, they were giving out M&M's and I wanted a snack..Hehe.
Lauren and I took a nice walk along the lake yesterday too. Its also nice to sit and stare out at it when you're down there. Even if its all polluted. Ew. Yeah, no swimming in Lake Michigan for me!
But thats the best thing about Chicago--the lake. The city looks soo pretty too with the lake...This is the best place to live in the summertime, but it gets pretty f*ing cold here in the winter!!
When you sit and look out onto it, you start to think about alot...
Lauren and I contemplated many things last night...As well as laugh, and sing stupid songs. I hope that people who grew up here appreciate the lake as much as me and Lauren do...
Well, I am now hungry. Maybe I'll have my M&M's now...Just kidding...
* Please note that this is an edited post. Sorry for any confusion! :-)
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