Thursday, July 13, 2006


One of the things that I learned during my week of traning in my need job is that we need to find ways to motivate ourselves everyday. Now I know that this is something that applies to every job, but in sales its pretty crucial I'd say.

So, I've been thinking of a list that I could put up in my new cube and here's what I've come up with so far:

1. My family

2. Steven

3. My friends

4. Purses

5. Shoes

6. Nordstrom

7. Target

8. Hot sunny days.

9. A nice trip

10. Pugs

So, I was wondering, what motivates all of you?


Blogger N.F. said...

Are you going to put pics. of these things? I LUV purses! :)

Blogger Jenny G said...


Blogger N.F. said...

Oh duh, yah, money for me, too. :)

Blogger Berkeley G. said...

Being finished with college motivates me right now, and that's mostly it! Haha...


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