Friday, December 01, 2006

TGIF--It's Snowing.

Because of the fact that there is a snowstorm outside and I was pelleted in the face my large flakes of snow, its a good thing that its Friday!!!

I don't mind the snow though because now I have winter boots to keep me warm and dry. However when some jerk in a huge black Mercedes drove by at like 40 mph and I got splashed with nasty city slush, (it made me think of the opening of Sex and the City with Carrie and the bus going by) I wished that I had a hat, and a coat that went down to my ankles. Or snow pants like when I was a little girl.

If it were any other day I would've gotten annoyed about it, but then I realized that it was funny.

But then the bus came and it was warm and I didn't want to get off when I had to. Loved the fact that it was getting stuck in the snow and making a strange noise every time it stopped though.

When me and two other girls that I work with went down to Starbucks we were talking about snow days when we were in school, and how it would be nice to have one from work. Yeah right, this is Chicago, there could be a massive blizzard outside and you'd still have to go to work.

Lets just hope that I get my paycheck today so I'm not poor anymore. Then it will be a very good Friday and the gross city slush and the snow itself won't seem so bad.


Blogger Jenny G said...

"it made me think of the opening of Sex and the City with Carrie and the bus going by" I hope to god you aren't wearing a tutu!

I heard you guys are getting snow. It's almost 70 here but we're supposed to get bad storms this afternoon and then it's going to get cold.


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