Thursday, March 08, 2007

Part 2 of Being Considerate

I apologize for the delay in response to your questions about whether or not he called back. Well, he did Tuesday night, but we didn't end up talking until last night because we kept missing each other.

Anyway, it's currently that time of the month for him, (I'm convinced that guys have their own version of this) and he's too busy with work and dealing with family issues to be in a serious relationship and that's where he felt we were headed. However, he did say that he really doesn't want me to hate his guts, and that he really doesn't want to loose me as a friend, oh and that maybe we can do something next week. Yeah, how about I'm busy next week.

I'm disappointed because I really like him, and thought that this had a chance of going somewhere. But I really don't want to be with someone who can't make time for me, or can't balance a job and a relationship. The thing that doesn't make sense is that I don't want a serious relationship right now because I want to be selfish right now and have time to myself to do the things that I want to do. Like spending time with my family and friends, and working hard. When I was with Steven I spent so much of my time with him and never took any for myself.

I want to be in a real relationship when its the right time, and maybe when I'm not living with my parents!!!

I told him all of this last night, and also that maybe when things calm down for the both of us that they can change between us. But for now just being friends is better. Even if it does hurt a little.

So that my friends is part two. Stay tuned for part 3. ;-)


Blogger N.F. said...

Oh man, do I know where you are coming from LOUD AND CLEAR. The thing I'd share with you, that I've kind of recently understood, is that it really *IS* all about timing. The RIGHT timing.

Blogger Berkeley G. said...

Wow, it sounds like a good riddance. Even though it hurts, I believe it's better you found this out now than on down the line. I'm still sorry, though because I know it sucks for you. At least you aren't settling, though, and that's always good. :)


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