Spring Fever...
Hey everyone, I'm not dead, just been busy and haven't had a chance to post. Or I haven't had anything to post about.
Anyway, spring has somewhat arrived here officially!!! It was gorgeous here over the weekend, and yay to it not getting really cold anymore!!!
So, I guess I can just update you, etc., on things.
I'm starting to realize that planning a wedding is extremely stressful for all parties involved so when I reach that point in my life I think that I'm just going to hire someone to do it all and to keep my parents from having a nervous breakdown. My sister is also a total bridezilla. I really can't wait for the actual day though, it's going to be fantastic.
Work has been quite interesting lately. For some reason people can't understand me on the phone and keep changing, misspelling, or just screwing up my name. Today some guy sent me an email back and addressed me as Karen. Other than that it's going really well.
In boy news, I've decided to sign up for Match.com. I tried Craigs List and went out with this guy this past Thursday and I think that he lied about his height. I'm pretty short, but I had heels on and felt like I was towering over him. Not to mention that there just wasn't a connection. I felt bad because he was really nice, but I just wasn't into him. I've gotten some emails from Match, some from guys who sound very nice, and then there's the men who are over 40. Like um, no. I'm going to be 27 this year, I'm not interested in dating someone over 40 who's divorced. Sorry if that sounds rude, but I'd never date someone more than 10 years older than me. I have a date with this one guy though on Wednesday who is really cute so hopefully that will go well. I know that some people think that Match.com is just filled with weirdos, but seriously, they're wrong! Most of the people on there are regular professionals who don't just want to have the bar be the only way that they meet people.
In other boy news I got together with PBF, and it was really really nice. We walked to the park near where he lives and just sat and talked. It was kind of romantic, and just nice. Totally innocent too, we just kissed!! He told me that he would call me in a few days and asked if maybe we could do something this weekend. It made me totally giddy and happy, and I'm so happy that things went well. We both were a lot more relaxed, and happier. I think the timing before was just bad, and that I'm just going to see what happens, maybe it will evolve into something. I do have feelings for him, but I'm still going to go out with other people.
In other news, so no more Sanjaya!! Crazy. I can't believe how long he stayed on. I haven't decided who my favorite is though. I also haven't watched The Office in ages because I've gone out every Thursday night for the past few weeks. I really can't wait for pay day to come.
Okay, that's about it. I'm tired and I'm ready to go home now.
PBF sounds like a cool guy. I've been contemplating getting on match.com myself, but maybe I'm too young. I sure am getting fed up with guys around here, though.
I was SO excited when Sanjaya was voted off. I can't believe he stayed for that long, either! My favorite is Jordin right now. Hope you have a great week!
Nice update! YAY! I've got some personal experience on Craigslist--so I know of which you speak. :) Good luck on Match! Keep us updated!
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